Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey everyone,

This thursday, October 30th, at 7pm. I am having a scentsy party at the Barnes hall 155. Now you maybe wondering what in the world is scentsy? Scentsy Warmers usa a 25-watt bulb to melt the wax slowly, maximizing the fragrance time of the scentsy bar or scentsy brick. There is no flame, soot or wick; making it a safe way to enjoy more than 80 scentsy fragrances. That means that since there is no wick they are safe to have them in your apartments! Now you can finally have a nice smelling apartment all the time. You only have to buy the warmer once and then you exchange the scents as much as you want. So make sure to bring your roomates and friends. And it doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy, EVERYONE can enjoy a nice smelling apartment. Give me a call at 208-881-1243 if you have anymore questions. See you there!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

buckets and tap shoes

So this weekend we went to an awesome show at school. It was called buckets and tap shoes. Its a group of 4 guys from Minneapolis, MN. They are so sweet. They play the drums, guitar, they sing and tap!! Very well rounded guys. I'm not sure if everyone else that i went with was as impressed as i was but it was pretty amazing! I had seen them once before when i was on a competitive dance team up in washington. They had done a master class for one of the competitions that we went to.

I don't think that i will get over how awsome they were. I also took a class from them on saturday morning. we learned the shim-sham and had a tap off. They are pretty good tappers! It was nice to tap again. I hadn't in about 6 months. I took some pictures while at the show on my phone but they aren't the best.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fair Time!!

This past weekend was alot of fun!! On Saturday we went down to the Idaho state fair in blackfoot. We met up with Brads sisters, Mariah and Julie, their husbands and kids. We walked around and looked at all of the booths and went and saw all of the animals. After that we were kinda hungry but we didn't want to eat too much cause we still wanted to go on some rides. We got these things that were called tiger ears but they were like bigger than my head! They were really good! Next brad really wanted to go on a ride so we went and bought tickets to go on one. It cost 10 dollars for the both of us to go on one ride, it was kind of ridiculous. Brad really wanted to go on the zipper and i was scared! the zipper is ride that spins around while you are in a cage going up and down. it looks like this. Can you see why i was scared? Brad told me just to relax and it would be fine. we were standing in line and i was getting more and more nervious but i was really excited also. it was finally our turn and we got in. It started up and pretty soon i was finding myself not knowing which way was up anymore. I was so much fun! After we got off both of our stomachs were still turning in circles. We both decided that we were hungry. We went to a little hamburger place called rudes (i think). I was really good. We went back to firth to pack all of Brads stuff up to move up to Rexburg for school. I had lots of fun at the fair. I had only been to one other fair in my life and that was when i was pretty little.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weekend Fun!

This weekend is only half over and it has already been filled with alot of excitment. So me and brad were driving down to Idaho falls, about 30 mins away, yesterday to go to a concert later in the day. His truck was acting a little weird, the gas petal wasn't really responding in the way it should be, but we didn't really think anything of it. We got on the Freeway and it wouldn't go over 55, we thought oh thats weird. We got to idaho falls, it was about 2 and we had to go to a couple of stores then we got hungry. We were about to turn into the parking lot, we were in the middle of the intersection, and it quits. We were like Oh sweet. It wouldn't turn over. So we got out and pushed it around the corner. We went and ate. His dad came up and it turned out fine, just added alittle excitment to our afternoon. We traded cars and drove on out to sandy downs where the concert was suppose to be. We got out there and i looked at the stadium and there was no one there. Weird! we drove around and there was NO one there. Ok what do we do now? We noticed a little sign on the gate finally, that said "BFE 2008 has been moved to the Civic Auditorium." Oh sweet we get to drive to the other side of town again! we get over there, we were still good on time but brad was getting alittle upset that nothing was working out in his favor so far. We get into the concert and it was SO awsome! We saw 6 or 7 bands play and we didn't want to see the other lame 5 or 6 that were before we got there. Some of the bands we saw were Red, shinedown, everlast and my personal favorite of the night Hawthorne Heights. We both forgot our cameras! bummer! The energy was amazing in the auditorium! I could not stop smiling. I had never seen or felt anything like it. The bass was pounding in my chest, the lights flashing everywhere, the music ringing my ears and not to mention the smell of lovely drunks and pot smokers. In between each band there was about a 15 mins break for the next band to set up their stuff. Brad and I would sit down and just watch people and laugh about all the things we saw. Desperate housewifes, Head to Toe black punks, and underage couples. We had fun observing everything around us. I was a very different atmosphere than you get up here in the "bubble." I was glad he was there with me or i would have been very uncomfortable and scared there by myself! I was really glad i went though. I was kinda sceptical at first, but you have to try everything once right?

Today we were suppose to go hunting but for one reason or another it didn't work out. So i decided that i needed to help my dad on the house today. This past week we have had every single inspection PASSED OFF!! Now on tuesday the insulators are coming and then the next week the sheet rockers are coming. We are getting closer everyday. Right now we are having to put up foil so that the isulation doesn't touch our heating tubes and lots of other odds and ends jobs. Its a race to the finish! We are very excited that the next fase of our progress is beginning!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beautiful Surroundings!

Today is beautiful! I wanted to show all of you guys what Idaho really looks like. It isn't just flat nothing every where like everyone thinks. My mom has taken most of the pictures but i have taken a few. We have a lake in front of our new house and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous here.
The weather is starting to cool down here which kinda makes me sad because in the past year i have lived here it snowed in 10 out of the 12 months. Scary huh? We had a crazy thunder storm a few days ago. We were out on our property roasting marshmellows and the storm kept on getting closer and closer. After about 30 mins it was surrounding us. We sat out on our deck and watched it. We would see the lightning and count 1..2..3..4..BOOM! It was way cool. The only bummer part about it was that there wasn't any rain! :( We have some ducks that have nested in the reeds in our pond this year. We have only seen them come out acouple of times. My mom really wanted to get some pictures of them so she took our neighbors paddle boat out there one afternoon acouple of weeks ago and waited. She was sitting out there for i think about an hour before the mama duck even decided to venture out. Pretty soon she decided that it was safe and brought her whole clan out. There was alot of them!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 23rd 2008

Hey everybody

Obviously this is my first post and i would like to tell you a little bit about myself. Currently i am a student at BYU-Idaho. I am studying horticulture (the study of plants) and also home and family living. I go school from January to July. My family now lives in the rexburg area of ID but i grew up in Bellevue, WA which is near Seattle. I have a little brother that is now 14 and about 6 foot 1. I love to Dance. I have been dancing since i was 3. I was on a competition team for a studio in WA. I wouldn't change the memories, the experiences or the friends for anything.

This summer has been amazing. In the beginning of June i was able to go up to WA for a weekend to watch my old studios year end recitals and also to visit some good friends that i hadn't seen since i moved. After i got back I finished school for this year in the middle of July. Since i have finished school i have just worked, trying to save up money so i can move out of my family's house. Currently i am working for my school's Grounds crew. Its awesome i get to be outside all day with flowers! Fantastic! It kinda sticks being in a college town while school is in session. I really don't have any friends to hangout with right now. Lately i have been hanging out with my boyfriend's family and friends. He lives about 45 mins away from me. We do lots of fun things like going in the mountains to watch scary movies, having bonfires, roasting marshmallows and shooting skeet.

The house is coming along very slowly but surely. A couple of weeks ago we got out plumbing inspection passed off. Now all we have is the electrical left and then we can put up the dry wall. After the dry wall goes up it should progress allot faster than it has. My mom is steadily working on the rock that goes all the way around the house and also up both sides the fire place. Also our kitchen cabinets are finished and ready to be installed once the drywall gets put up.

Well that is all i have to say for today. Hope all of you are doing well. Talk to you soon.
