Hey everyone!
its been way too long since i posted last. Almost a year? anyways so lately life has been so crazy! Another fall semester at BYU-idaho has started. I am taking 15 credits which include zoology, botany, home and family management, teachings from living prophets and ballet 2. Its a pretty full scheduale! i can already tell that this is going to be a really interesting semester! Currently i am dating the most amazing guy! This weekend we went on a triple date with my cousin kody, my roommate and another couple. It was really fun. We went to the rexburg straw maze. Andy and I finished it in about 20 mins. W
e decided to be crazy and take lots of silly pictures while we waited. We waited for about an hour and a half and then decided that we should get out the maze and find where kody and annie went. They didn't even finish after 2 hours. Those two combined have the WORST sense of direction ever! We proceeded to take more pictures. It was a very fun night.

Recently it has been freezing here in rexburg. It snowed on monday and i was actually quite upset about it. It is suppose to snow again on th
ursday and then be 70 degrees on friday. I don't really understand it. Rexburg weather is seriously bipolar! I'm not ready for winter to come yet!

Looks like you had a lot of fun even though it was chilly. Good luck with your semester.
now we need some updates about your wedding!!!
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